Anal Fistula
• Anal Fistula is an abnormal passage (communication) between the interior of the anal canal or rectum and the skin surface around the anus.
• Rarely, the fistula may communicate from anus (rectum) to Vagina (Recto-Vaginal Fistula), Urinary
Bladder (Recto-Vesical Fistula), Urethera (Recto-Uretheral Fistula) or other pelvic structures, including the bowel

Symptoms of Anal Fistula
• Symptoms are usually a purulent discharge & drainage of pus and/or stool near the anus, which can irritate the outer tissues causing itching and discomfort.
• Pain occurs when fistulas become blocked and abscesses recur.
• A fistula-in-ano is diagnosed when a probe has been passed between the opening on the skin's surface & the interior opening.
Minimal invasiveTreatment of Anal Fistula
(Trend towards sphincter-saving approaches)
+ Fistula Laser Closure (FiLaC)
+ Distal Laser Proximal Ligation ( LIFT with Laser )
+ Distal Laser Proximal SLOFT ( DLPS )
+ Fixcision ( Fistula Tract Coring ) with Proximal SLOFT
Advantages of Laser over Conventional Surgery
+ No surgical wounds
+ Correct location of the internal opening
+ Destruction of the fistula from the inside
+ No importance of the fistula classification
+ No anal sphincter damages – no incontinence
+ Early resuming working activities (2-3 days)