Karan Hospital https://www.karanhospital.com/blog Piles Treatment in Jalandhar|Bawaseer treatment in Punjab|Anal Fistula Treatment|Karan Hospital Thu, 07 Nov 2019 09:40:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.1.13 https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/logo-1.png Karan Hospital https://www.karanhospital.com/blog 32 32 Extra Care for Bed Sores at Karan Hospital in Punjab https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/2019/10/22/extra-care-for-bed-sores-at-karan-hospital-in-punjab/ https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/2019/10/22/extra-care-for-bed-sores-at-karan-hospital-in-punjab/#respond Tue, 22 Oct 2019 10:15:29 +0000 https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/?p=40 When a person is suffering from a disease that makes him/her bed ridden or immobile for a long period of time, then he is at risk of getting other problems also. Bed sores is one such medical condition which occurs to people who are unconscious, not able to feel pain, not able to move or restricted to bed. In these people, there is formation of ulcers on those skin areas which are under pressure while lying on the bed or sitting at a particular place (wheel chair) or wearing a cast for a very long time.

Bed sores also known as pressure injuries or pressure ulcers, become a very serious condition in case of older people. You can directly relate bed sores to the kind of care a person is getting. If an immobile person stays in a particular position for a very long time and is not moved or turned, then he gets bed bores. It is important to give special care to immobile people, give them good nutrition, good skin care and position them in correct place so that they don’t develop bed sores. There are some people who are at higher risk of getting bed sores like patients suffering from diabetes, circulation problems or those with low nutrition.

Bed sores usually occur when the blood flow is restricted to skin for more than 3-4 hours resulting in that particular area to die. That area then becomes red & painful and later on it turns purple. If this area is not treated for long, then skin in this region may open and get infected. Opting for best Bed sores treatment in Punjab at Karan Hospital is the top solution. Here, the doctors will give you medicines to treat your condition. If required, skin grafts and surgery are done depending on the condition of bed sores. Meet the consultants here for famous Bed sores treatment in Punjab.

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Anal Fissures Cause Pain As Well As Bleeding- Laser Treatment Is The Best Option! https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/2019/09/05/anal-fissures-cause-pain-as-well-as-bleeding-laser-treatment-is-the-best-option/ https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/2019/09/05/anal-fissures-cause-pain-as-well-as-bleeding-laser-treatment-is-the-best-option/#respond Thu, 05 Sep 2019 12:42:20 +0000 https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/?p=37 The anal canal is surrounded by muscle at the end of the rectum which is the bottom section of the colon (large intestine). A thin, moist tissue known as mucosa lines the anus. A small tear in this tissue is known as an anal fissure and it occurs when one passes hard or large stools during a bowel movement. Usually, anal fissures cause immense pain (while passing stool and otherwise too) along with bleeding during bowel movements. Short-term anal fissures usually heal within 4 to 6 weeks with the use of home remedies and treatment. The most basic home remedy for relieving pain during bowel movements is the prevention of constipation. This can be achieved by increasing fibre intake in one’s diet. In most cases, the pain that is experienced during bowel movements goes away just after a couple of days after starting the home treatment of anal fissures.

Laser treatment – the best treatment option to fully cure fissures

When one starts to suffer from acute anal fissures, the level of pain experienced gets really high. In such a case, one must seek laser treatment for fissureas the doctors and hospitals in the city of Jalandhar are known to provide the best treatment for piles and fissures. The laser treatment for fissures is a non-invasive and painless surgical option which is known to have a very low rate of complications. The surgery includes sealing the fissures by the use of laser energy.

Find the most trusted and the most renowned hospital

In order to undergo laser treatment for fissure in Jalandhar, you must visit Karan Hospital as it is known to be the best hospital for providing this treatment. Performed with the latest laser surgical equipment, the laser treatment is safe, minimally invasive and relatively simple. Also, the laser treatment involves preserving the healthy tissue and normal function and the chances of success are quite high. Expert surgeons, the latest surgical instruments and state of the art infrastructure along with a commendable past record of helping many patients get rid of fissures are the factors that make Karan Hospital the best choice for laser treatment for fissure in Jalandhar.

https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/2019/09/05/anal-fissures-cause-pain-as-well-as-bleeding-laser-treatment-is-the-best-option/feed/ 0
Bhangandar – A Painful Condition! Seek Appropriate Treatment Well In Time https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/2019/05/08/bhangandar-a-painful-condition-seek-appropriate-treatment-well-in-time/ https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/2019/05/08/bhangandar-a-painful-condition-seek-appropriate-treatment-well-in-time/#respond Wed, 08 May 2019 10:32:53 +0000 https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/?p=22 Bhagandar, which is the common term for piles (known as haemorrhoids in medical terminology), is a collection of tissues and veins that have inflamed and swollen. The size of bhagandar may vary. It is a condition of the smooth muscles of the walls (inside or around) of rectum and anus. Bhagandar is a common condition and many a time, it clears up on its own after a few days. However, there have been cases where people have had bhagandar and it did not cause symptoms, due to which people did not even realise they were suffering from this condition. On the contrary, there have been other cases wherein bhagandar has turned out to be quite painful and discomforting. For such patients of bhagandar, undergoing laser treatment for bhagandar is the best treatment option.

Causes and symptoms of bhagandar

Constipation is the most common cause of bhagandar. Apart from that, either a totally sedentary lifestyle or constantly standing for hours together is likely to case bhagandar. Also, chronic diarrhoea, lifting heavy weights, straining when passing a stool and pregnancy may be the other causes of bhagandar. Pain (in and around the anus), itching and bleeding are the symptoms of bhagandar.

The best treatment to get rid of bhagandar

Bhagandar is known to cause immense pain and discomfort to the patient and the use of ointments (which is the most basic treatment for bhagandar) provides only temporary relief to the patient. Earlier, it could only be treated by surgery. However, with medical development and advancement, the laser treatment is a more permanent solution and helps get fully get rid of bhagandar.

For those looking for laser treatment for bhagandar in Punjab, Karan Hospital which is home to some very highly experienced doctors and surgeons is the safest bet. The team of surgeons at Karan Hospital carry out the laser treatment with precision and that helps the patient get completely rid of bhagandar. Numerous patients suffering from bhagandar have been successfully treated in the past at this Hospital. Having all the latest surgical equipment, Karan Hospital is the most recognized name for laser treatment for bhagandar in Punjab.

https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/2019/05/08/bhangandar-a-painful-condition-seek-appropriate-treatment-well-in-time/feed/ 0
Piles Are Painful And Discomforting… Look For A Permanent Solution! https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/2019/04/15/piles-are-painful-and-discomforting-look-for-a-permanent-solution/ https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/2019/04/15/piles-are-painful-and-discomforting-look-for-a-permanent-solution/#respond Mon, 15 Apr 2019 11:44:09 +0000 https://www.karanhospital.com/blog/?p=17 Piles, commonly known as bawaseer (the medical term for which is haemorrhoids), are inflamed and swollen collections of tissue and vein whose sizes may vary. They are found in the smooth muscles of the walls (inside or around) of the rectum and anus. Piles are common and quite often, they clear up on their own after a few days. There may be cases wherein people have haemorrhoids but because they don’t cause symptoms, those people don’t even realise they have them. On the other hand, in several other cases, piles turn out to be very painful. Such patients of piles are advised to seek the best laser treatment for Bawaseer.

What causes piles?

The most common causes of piles include chronic constipation, lifting heavy weights, pregnancy, chronic diarrhoea, or straining when passing a stool.


The symptoms of piles include pain, itching and bleeding.

Treatment and prevention of piles

Although piles often clear up on their own after a few days, still there are cases where they persist and cause immense pain and discomfort to the patient. The most basic treatment for piles includes the use of ointments. Unfortunately, however, merely using ointments will not provide a permanent solution and the pain is likely to persist. Therefore, the treatment for piles needs to include a permanent solution. With advancements in medical science, it is now possible to fully get rid of piles using laser treatment. If you are looking for laser treatment for Bawaseer in north India, you must visit Karan Hospital. Highly experienced doctors and surgeons carry out the laser treatment with precision and ensure that the patient gets completely rid of piles. Equipped with the latest surgical equipment, Karan Hospital is renowned for providing the best laser treatment for Bawaseer in north India. A number of piles’ patients have experienced instant relief from this painful disease after undergoing laser treatment at Karan Hospital.

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