Anal Fissure
Anal fissures are cracks or tears in the anus and anal canal. They may be acute or chronic.
Causes of Anal Fissures
Anal fissures are caused primarily by trauma, but several non-traumatic diseases are associated with anal fissures and should be suspected if fissures occur in unusual locations.
Symptoms of anal fissures
The primary symptom of anal fissures is pain during and following bowel movements. Other symptoms that may occur are:
bleeding, itching, and malodorous dischargeTreatment
Anal fissures are initially treated conservatively with home remedies and OTC products by:
+ Adding bulk to the stool
+ Softening the stool
+ Consuming a high fiber diet
+ Utilizing sitz baths
Surgery by lateral sphincterotomy is the standard procedure for curing anal fissures. Because of complications, however, it is reserved for patients who are intolerant of non-surgical treatments or in whom non-surgical treatments have proven to be ineffective.
The latest technique is LASER fissurectomy or Sphincterotomy ( Minimal Invasive Surgery). The advantages are
+ Pain less procedure
+ No cutting of extra tissue
+ No bleeding
+ Fast recovery