Pilonidal Sinus
• Pilonidal sinuses are rare, affecting about 26 in 100,000 people each year.
• They affect at least twice as many men as women. The average age for a pilonidal sinus is 21 in
men and 19 in women.
• They are less common in children and people over the age of 45.

Pilonidal Sinus Treatment
A Pilonidal sinus also called Pilonidal cyst, Pilonidal abcess or Sacrococcygeal fistula is a cyst (small sac) or tunnel in the skin. It develops over the tailbone at the top of the cleft of the buttocks. The cyst usually contains hair and skin debris. More than one cyst may develop and these are linked by tunnels under the skin.
Causes Of Pilonidal Sinus
+ More common in males
+ Sedentary lifestyle
+ People who sit for long hours at a stretch eg. Drivers
+ Thick body hair especially those that are coarse and curly
+ Obesity
+ Previous injury in the area
+ Family history of Pilonidal Sinus
+ Having a deep cleft between buttocks
+ History of previous Pilonidal Cyst
Causes Of Pilonidal Sinus
Recurring episodes of pain or swelling in the area of the tailbone.
Yellowish pus-like or bloody discharge from the tailbone area which may be foul smelling.
Painful lump under the skin in that area
Pilonidal Sinus Treatment Using Laser(SiLaT)
Photo-coagulation following inside the cyst results
in sublimation of the capsule inside the coccyx cyst.
The aseptically inflammation promoted by photo-coagulation with LASER result to a perfect healing of
Pilonidal sinus in about a week.
Advantages of Laser Surgery
- Minimal Pain
- Least risk of Complications
- Least Tissue Trauma
- Absolutely blood less
- Short Hospital Stay
- No Post Operative Dressings